Nplato's republic book 2 funny lectures

Education in music which includes speeches begins with the telling of tales. In this lecture from my fall 2011 ethics class at marist college, we discuss platos republic bk 2. This is a video lecture from phi 251, history of ancient philosophy. Click anywhere in the line to jump to another position. Platos dialogue, the republic, book 2 ethics and moral theory duration. Platonic teaching, but it is no more to be found in any of the speeches than is the. Lecture 4 introduces platos republic and its many meanings in the context of moral psychology, justice, the power of poetry and myth, and metaphysics. Although platos republic is best known for its definitive defense of justice, it also.

One of the tasks is fun and interesting, and each correct answer that you give provides you with a lottery ticket for a lottery in which youll win a. Quote, a republic, properly understood, is a sovereignty of justice, in contradistinction to a sovereignty of will, unquote. Its selfcontained, even though book 2 cracks it open to start over again. There must be something funny going on, as it were, because in platos. In book i, the character of thrasymachus poses the most serious challenge to traditional and socratic morality.

In the first book of the republic, thrasymachus attacks socrates position that. Glaucons challenge republic book 2 summary 1 of 2 youtube. Plato s republic some of the main arguments and issues this time with pictures. Platos the republic, is a great but flawed masterpiece of western literature, yes it makes sense, mostly, some of it. Platos dialogue, the republic, book 2 ethics and moral theory. Its funny to contrast this position with the vision that marx has, that in a communist society hell be able to hunt, fish. This course is taught at the university of north carolina greensboro. Purchase a copy of this text not necessarily the same edition from. Toward a philosophy of computing how to philosophize with internetworked electronic computing machinery brought to you by. Caught up in the fun of imagining the ideal city, glaucon cannot fathom that it.

Platos dialogue, the republic, book 1 introduction to. They either deal with rhetorical issues or they are excerpts from speeches dk. Unlike the philosopherkings appearing later in the book, these. Platos republic some of the main arguments and issues. In fact, that would be a good blurb for platos republic, even though his philosophy is very different from paines. The remaining fragments of thrasymachus writings provide few clues. Youve probably noticed that my lectures have a kind of, make sure you dont miss this. Platos account there is by far the most detailed, though perhaps historically. After introducing platos republic, professor gendler turns to the discussion of glaucons challenge in book ii. Glaucon asks socrates whether justice belongs 1 in the class of good things we choose to have for themselves, like joy, or 2 those we value for their consequences though they themselves are hard, like physical training, or 3 the things we value for themselves and their consequences, like knowledge. By asking questions in his funny way, socrates sort of alienates normal views from.